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Partners, Associates, Collaborators, Clients, Friends

HECAF360 is grateful for the partnership and support it has received over the years from government, from a number of bilateral and multilateral bodies, and from International Non-Government Organisations. 


Working closely with experts from our partners and associates, HECAF360 has been able to create bespoke and cost effective solutions to a wide variety of health, environment and climate action problems. 


Here is a partial listing of partners, associates, collaborators and friends.



The Government of Nepal and especially its Ministry of Health and Population have long supported HECAF and now HECAF 360 in its Health Care Waste Management Program.


The Ministry's willingness to confront the potential public health disaster presented by careless and irresponsible disposal of health care wastes was instrumental in the implementation and dissemination of HECAF's pioneering waste management work.

The Government of Nepal and especially its Ministry of Health and Population have long supported HECAF and now HECAF 360 in its Health Care Waste Management Program.


The Ministry's willingness to confront the potential public health disaster presented by careless and irresponsible disposal of health care wastes was instrumental in the implementation and dissemination of HECAF's pioneering waste management work.

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Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) is an international nongovernmental organization (NGO) that works to transform health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental footprint. Health Care Without Harm is a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice and acts locally as a community anchor for sustainability. Link to HCWH's partnership page here.


WHO Nepal has been supporting the Government of Nepal for over 60 years towards achieving better health for all people in Nepal. WHO Nepal Country Office has a strong focus on technically assisting the government in achieving existing health care goals and targets and to that end has worked closely with HECAF and HECAF 360 for over 10 years.


The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been active in Nepal since 1974. GIZ has encouraged and supported HECAF and HECAF 360's work in health care waste management since 2007.


GGHH is an international network of hospitals, health care facilities, health systems, and health organizations dedicated to reducing their environmental footprint and promoting public and environmental health.


HECAF 360 is an active member of the GGHH network which boasts over 1,350 members in 72 countries who represent the interests of over 43,000 hospitals and health centers. Members are using innovation, ingenuity, and investment to transform the health sector and foster a healthy, sustainable future.


To examine some of the HECAF 360 GGHH project reports click here or learn more from the In Health Care item under Projects in the pulldown menu.

Global Green and Healthy Hospitals 


GAIA is a worldwide alliance of more than 800 grassroots groups, non-governmental organisations and individuals in over 90 countries whose ultimate vision is a just, toxic-free world without incineration.

Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives

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HECAF 360 also regularly collaborates with Nepali and international universities in varied aspects of climate smart technolgy, health care waste management and public health research.  


Universities from the Netherlands, Australia, Canada and the UK send students to Nepal to work alongside HECAF 360 teams on its projects. 


The Netherlands


School of Health Professionals


Queensland, Australia

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